do you know what you truly want

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and answer this question.

What do you REALLY want?

Don’t just read my words, do it.

In fact, find the courage to reply to this email with your answer. (I am happy to witness you ALWAYS)

I use the word courage because it takes courage to answer the question “What do you really want?” and to be witnessed in your answer.

What is true about this question is:

  • Some of you don’t have an answer. You truly don’t know what you want.

  • Some of you, think you can answer, but when you get really truthful with yourself, you cannot.

  • Some of you know but you are afraid to tell other humans… maybe your close friends, your family, or an acquaintance.

What is also true is that it’s an important question to be able to answer. And it’s important to be witnessed.

You may be wondering why it’s important to speak out loud and be witnessed. It is important to speak everything out loud.  And not in a walk into a room and tell everyone kind of way.

But in a…this is who I am, kind of way.

For most of us, we are overwhelmed, busy, and trying to get by.


And it is not how humans are intended to live.

There is a lot coming at us. TV, computer screens, Social Media…screens, screens, screens. It’s too much.

And it is not natural for humans and so we have lost the ability to slow down and be in our lives. We have lost the ability to answer simple questions such as.

How are you really feeling?
What is most important to you?
What do you really want?
What do you need to let go of?

We have to stop and take time to sit with ourselves.  To sit with each other. To ask these questions and to listen to the answers. For ourselves and for each other.

This is my work. This is what I do. This is what heals. 

On January 6th, I am leading a journey with 8 women to answer these questions. To go deep into what it is that we truly want.

Because when you slow down and take time to ask for what you want and learn to harness the energy of receiving, you live a the way you intended to live. And you experience true happiness, more than you ever thought possible.

And also, you become a part of creating a better world for yourself and for each other, but more importantly for all the people who will come after you.

There is still space available.

Click here to sign up.

Day: Sunday, January 6th, 2019
Time: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm

To sign up click here.


On investing in yourself


Your dreams and desires are meant for you