This work is so important

This work is so important.

What do I mean by that?

I mean the work of looking inside ourselves to see the ways we are harming ourselves and others.

I mean the work of looking at our thoughts and actions and words and continuing to clear and clean them so they are of high integrity.

We have the PRIVILEGE of doing this work.

So we must do it for the collective.

This work is so important.

Our excuses for not doing it are...

I don't have enough money
I don't have enough time.
I am too tired.
I have something else to do that is more important.
Someone else will do it.


These are all the ways we tell ourselves we cannot do it.

But the truth is, it's hard work and that is why we don't want to do it.

Because it's emotional to look inside ourselves and see the ways we harm ourselves and others.

Because it is emotional to look inside and see our own shame.

It is f#$%ing hard.

We seek connection but we aren't willing to see the ways we disconnect.
We want to be less overwhelmed but we aren't willing to make the choices to slow down.
We want a more just world but we aren't willing to see where we are unjust.
We want better education for our children but we aren't willing to speak up for it.
We want to save our planet from destruction but we aren't willing to look at the ways we destroy it.
We want equality for all but we aren't willing to look at the ways we are racist.

We seek, we want, we imagine, but we aren't willing to do the work.

We want someone else to do it for us.

There is nobody that will do it for us.

We must do it.

With love and devotion,



A reflection of 2019


A new awareness is arising within...